Very quick back story - we'd been renting our house, got the offer to buy it and it has been ours since March. The whole house was magnolia other than the kitchen and our bedroom wall as it is fairly new. As we'd been renting we hadn't ever properly decorated DJ's room, just a few things on the wall. All in all it's pretty much a blank canvas!
We decided to paint the walls a very light blue as it is obviously suitable for a boy and it would also go with EJ's pink things. The room has been split up into three zones if you like (architecture brain :p) one side each that will be purely individual beside their cots and the back wall where the toybox is, was to be shared.
While we were away at Easter time, Mr P got cracking with the painting! We got some really cute woodland stickers from Mothercare and put them in on the wall beside the pirate chest toybox that Mr P made himself. The room doesn't have a theme as such, just things we liked and thought they'd like. DJ was wandering around the shop with the box of stickers so we gathered he liked them haha!
Next week it'll be about DJ's side of the room... :)
Kathelle x